JHS Cougar Marching Band

Marching Band

Band Calendar

Important Spring and Summer Dates

JHS Band New Member Orientation Meeting:

Tuesday, March 18th at 6:30 p.m.

All parents of new JHS Cougar Marching Members should attend this meeting. We will cover the requirements and expectations of membership. We will also collect all registration paperwork. Band fees are not due at this time. The meeting will last 30 minutes and will take place in the JHS Band Room.

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97945049214?pwd=UXRlTGcvS1dzYk1iZ3dQSUxEV3FxZz09

Meeting ID: 979 4504 9214 Passcode: 610091

Jazz Ensemble Auditions:

Video Recording due Wednesday, March 12th

Auditions will be via video recording. Students must submit a video recording of themselves playing the required audition materials to our Jazz Audition Google Classroom. The code to the classroom is:


Required audition materials are:

1. A piece of the student’s choosing (preferably in the jazz style).

2. Selection from the provided piece “A Band’s Gotta Do What a Band’s Gotta Do” (will be provided by March 1st).

3. A flat, B flat, and E flat concert scales or B flat, E flat and F blues scales (Drum set players should instead prepare swing, shuffle, Latin, rock, and funk beats.)

All new jazz students wishing to participate in either jazz band must submit an audition. Current members of the ensembles do not need to re-audition unless desiring to move from the intermediate ensemble into the advanced ensemble.


Band on the field

Marching Band 1st at the Musselman High School Tournament of Bands Show

The Jefferson High School Marching Band placed 1st at the Musselman High School Tournament of Bands Show in Class 4A on Oct. 14.  The band is currently ranked 1st nationally in the Tournament of Bands circuit in Group 4A.  Tournament of Bands is made up of bands from WV, PA, MD, NJ, VA, NY, OH, and DE.

Band on field

Marching Band Places in WV Governor's Cup

In the West Virginia's Governor's Cup Competition on Oct. 14, the Jefferson High School Marching Band placed 2nd in Class A and was named 1st runner-up to the 11-time Defending West Virginia State Champion Cabell-Midland Marching Band.

WVSSAC Physical Form

JHS Band Handbook